Thursday, September 17, 2009

Notre Dame!

Today was a touristy day! My friend Kamryn and I visited Notre Dame, Le Conciergerie, Palais de Justice, and Sainte-Chapelle. Sainte-Chapelle is known for it's thirteenth century spectacular stained-glass windows that depict scenes from the Bible and the crusades. The windows are enormous, and fill all sides of the room! It was truly incredible to behold. Notre-Dame was as breath-taking as I remembered. It took over a hundred years to finish, and I can definitely see why! There are so many details, inside and out. It's incredible that something like that could be thought up so long ago! We stopped for a little lunch at Le soleil d'or, and had an omelette avec des champignons et des pommes de terre. C'etait delicieux! Tomorrow will be an exciting day. We are supposed to literally "Get lost" in paris and spend about five hours just observing and becoming one with the city. After being lost for a while, we are supposed to find our way back. It is supposedly very empowering!


  1. oh! i want to do to that walk so badly! seriously, i think i might throw up if i don't do that walk soon. good luck getting lost tomorrow!

  2. Emma...I am so embarassed about my comment on that one picture that wasn't even yours! HAHAHAHA oh dear..I'm so embarassing...sorry! Yours is amazing too! I totally have never taken photography before and everyone else's is so so good.... p.s. do you still want to greece? we were thinking the weekend after we get back from london or something while its still warmish!
