Sunday, September 13, 2009

My First Week!

Well, what can I say??! I am currently studying abroad in one of the most incredible cities in the world! I have to say, Paris has been treating me well! I get to see stunning architecture, and eat ridiculously delicious food... all while speaking one of the most beautiful languages in the world! I live just outside of Paris with a wonderful family! They live in a house that I like to call ze "chateau" because of its stunning size and beauty. It is basically a castle! The walls are made of beautiful stone, and the furniture resembles the things in Versailles. Oh yes, there are five floors! The roof even opens up on top and I can see all of Paris, yes...even the Tour d'Eiffel! Tonight we ate dinner with the whole family. Turns out table manners are a little bit different here... always have your hands ON the table! haha also, I couldn't believe it but they cut their fruit. Let me tell you, cutting a peach with a fork and knife is MUCH harder than it looks, especially while trying to do it with grace! The fruit counted as the dessert, but for the second round, we had a sliver of this homemade gateau chocolat. It was AMAZING! It seriously was the best chocolate cake I have ever had. I told her those exact words (in my best french of course) and that launched their whole family into a deep conversation on the quality of American chocolate vs. French chocolate vs. Swiss chocolate, German chocolate... etc... but anyway... I couldn't be more happy with my situation! The most rewarding part is that feel like my ability to speak French is already expanding! J'adore la ville de Paris! A Bientot


  1. Ange! I am so glad you are there safely and I am so glad you set up a blog! Sorry I didn't help you... you have done a great job! If you want to look at cute backgrounds, go to my blog and click on the icon on the top left hand side. "Cutest blog on the block" That will take you to the website and there are very simple instructions on there how to change your background. For sure check it out! That is one of the most fun things about blogging! I can't wait to see a picture of your castle! And I am so jealous of the yummy chocolate you get to enjoy! This is a once in a lifetime experience and it is amazing that you are there! I love you!!!
