Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tempus Fugit-

Tempus Fugit--Time Flies. It's a phrase that has been used for thousands of years. When I learned this sententia, I was in a highschool Latin class, and time couldn't have been going slower. I commited it to memory, and moved on. However, The whole time I've been living here in Paris, this powerful idiom keeps popping back into my head as I realize it's truthfulness. One morning I wake up and it's the middle of October; the next, I'm celebrating a "French" Thanksgiving. No matter how many pictures I take, or how descriptively I write in my journal, I will never be able to capture the feel of the crisp air in the mornings, or the piles on the old cobble-stone streets, full of colorful leaves that stick to my shoes. Paris has treated me well. Sometimes I just stop in the middle of the street and really look. I catch my breath, and wonder how I got so lucky to live here. Sure, on occasion, I feel angry at the metro, or at the dryer machines that take four hours to dry clothes. But through the good and the bad, the lonely times, the exciting times, I have experienced things I will never forget nor regret. A cordon bleu class taught by an elite chef in Paris, the view from the Arch de Triumph, exploring a museum dedicated to chocolate, class in the Louvre every week, going on runs by the Seine, feeding a sugar cube to a horse in the Versailles gardens, eating a macaron that makes your eyes close and commit to memory it's texture, taste, and mind gets lost in the memories just writing these words.

I have approximately 1 week and 1 day left here. I know I haven't been the greatest blogger, and I know I have left so much out, but I just wanted to write to you now, and tell you that I am living in Paris! The city of lights, the city of fashion, the city of architecture, art, history...and so much more. Living here has helped me see the world with new eyes, and I plan on treasuring my Parisian adventure forever.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Okay, so I absolutely FAIL at keeping my blog current.... I am so sorry! hahaha no I really will do better. Basically, I love France. Everyday I find more and more things that make me fall more and more in love with this place. I am so happy! I will update more soon.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


If you want to see more pictures, go to my photostream on flickr. The link is

Saturday Morning Market!

Okay, this is probably one of the coolest things I have been to! These markets are incredible! I went to the one out here in Croissy Sur Seine, close by our house. I can not believe how large the markets are! Also, the place was completely packed!
They were selling everything you could ever even imagine. Beautiful peppers, different colored potatoes, fruits I had never even seen before, cute hats, jewelry, CHEESE, fish, meat, books, etc. etc. etc! The colors were so vibrant that I had to take some photos!..even though everyone was looking at my really weirdly.. It was totally worth it! I am supposed to submit a photo for my photography class by tonight..and I am really worried about choosing just the right one! I know photography class can be looked at like kind of a joke class, but this is almost more difficult then just completing a math problem or completing a worksheet! Anyway.. tomorrow we are going to stake conference in Versailles, so I am really excited! I will definitely keep ya posted. À Bientôt!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Notre Dame!

Today was a touristy day! My friend Kamryn and I visited Notre Dame, Le Conciergerie, Palais de Justice, and Sainte-Chapelle. Sainte-Chapelle is known for it's thirteenth century spectacular stained-glass windows that depict scenes from the Bible and the crusades. The windows are enormous, and fill all sides of the room! It was truly incredible to behold. Notre-Dame was as breath-taking as I remembered. It took over a hundred years to finish, and I can definitely see why! There are so many details, inside and out. It's incredible that something like that could be thought up so long ago! We stopped for a little lunch at Le soleil d'or, and had an omelette avec des champignons et des pommes de terre. C'etait delicieux! Tomorrow will be an exciting day. We are supposed to literally "Get lost" in paris and spend about five hours just observing and becoming one with the city. After being lost for a while, we are supposed to find our way back. It is supposedly very empowering!

Monday, September 14, 2009

C'est si bon!

Food presentation is essential to any Parisian! Today we got these amazing pastries! They were so beautiful that we almost didn't eat them!...almost..

Notice the rose petals! I love that little touch : )

Sunday, September 13, 2009

My First Week!

Well, what can I say??! I am currently studying abroad in one of the most incredible cities in the world! I have to say, Paris has been treating me well! I get to see stunning architecture, and eat ridiculously delicious food... all while speaking one of the most beautiful languages in the world! I live just outside of Paris with a wonderful family! They live in a house that I like to call ze "chateau" because of its stunning size and beauty. It is basically a castle! The walls are made of beautiful stone, and the furniture resembles the things in Versailles. Oh yes, there are five floors! The roof even opens up on top and I can see all of Paris, yes...even the Tour d'Eiffel! Tonight we ate dinner with the whole family. Turns out table manners are a little bit different here... always have your hands ON the table! haha also, I couldn't believe it but they cut their fruit. Let me tell you, cutting a peach with a fork and knife is MUCH harder than it looks, especially while trying to do it with grace! The fruit counted as the dessert, but for the second round, we had a sliver of this homemade gateau chocolat. It was AMAZING! It seriously was the best chocolate cake I have ever had. I told her those exact words (in my best french of course) and that launched their whole family into a deep conversation on the quality of American chocolate vs. French chocolate vs. Swiss chocolate, German chocolate... etc... but anyway... I couldn't be more happy with my situation! The most rewarding part is that feel like my ability to speak French is already expanding! J'adore la ville de Paris! A Bientot